Lucius Boomer

Lucius Boomer

The godfather of the Waldorf-Astoria bis

One of the most prominent hotel men in the United States who gathered the most important and the largest hotels of his time. Considered the pioneer of a scientific approach to hotel management, he was also referred to as a master of cost accounting and operating efficiency. He took the risk of reactivating the institution of the Waldorf-Astoria from scratch, with great success. Despite unfavorable conditions, he managed to navigate the hotel into the new modern era without damaging its tradition. To this day, Boomer’s Waldorf-Astoria remains an icon of New York and a symbol of world-class luxury hotel services.


Chapter 9 - Lucius Boomer - Vol. 2, pages 80-92. To see sample page from that chapter click here

If you want to get to know Lucius Boomer and other famous personalities of the world of hospitality, buy amazing series of e-books "The Most Famous Hoteliers of All Time".